Why Dont Adderall and Focalin Work for Me?

Question by Amanda: why dont adderall and focalin work for me?
I have recently taken adderall and focalin to help me study during finals week. I have never taken them before this week and when i did take them, i noticed barely, if any effect at all after using them. the dosages were not excessively high or low. does this mean i may actually need to be prescribed it? or am i “immune”? (i realie you should not take prescriptions not designated for you so i do not need a lecture on the abuse of prescription drugs. i was very careful and took maybe 4 pills in a week.)

Best answer:

Answer by rainbowsandhell
I’vee been on Adderral for like almost 4 years along with klonopin. Depends on how much of it you took, it’s d-amphetamine salt combo which in my opinion is alot stronger than dextromethelayte or Ritalin (focalin,concerta). If you took less than 20mg of the instant release pills not the XR (extended release capsules) i don’t think many people feel the “effects”. If your naturally energetic and more towards AD-HD then you may be immune but only if it made you feel “zombie” like, no energy or motivation. I’m ADD, so it gives me some energy depending on dose.

Also if you took the medication with little to no energy (like staying up all night) it pushes your serotonin and your energy to the max (XR especially, just from knowledge of my own experience..). If you did take it on little to no sleep then you could have push all your energy at once and instead pushed it to fall asleep because you exerted so much energy at once your body didn’t have. You’lll feel like a zombie I guess or like “troned”, depending if it raises your anxiety.. I’m not a doctor so please if you have a problem see a doctor, preferably one in psychologist or psychiatrist..
If you take it first thing after a good night sleep it should work better than taking it mid-day or with no good sleep. More serotonin to push and more energy to get you focused.

Also make sure you eat whenever you take it, because if you don’t eat than you have no energy etc etc.

Hope this helped some, I’m not trying to encourage you in doing the pills recreation ally but it’s better to give you an answer than the same “it’s a drug, it’s bad for you” vibe.
Its very much so related to cocaine and meth, these drugs. Focalin more to cocaine and adderrall more to meth, which all drugs have bad effects and long time usages effects.
Its just highly addictive and be careful.