What Is a Good Example of When Someone Should Be Treated Differently Than Everyone at School?

Question by Whisper Black: What is a good example of when someone should be treated differently than everyone at school?
Please help me!

Thank you so much for ur time, and take care!
Whoa!…O_O….You guys are amazing! Hahah! Thank you all so much! They were all from ur point of View, which I really appreciate! 😀

Thank-you guys!

Best answer:

Answer by John Smith
If they gay or a satanist

Or those below me are……….


Answer by BOOM!
1. Children with physical and/or mental handicapped should be treated as “Normal” as possible but if they can’t fully integrate into the classes, they should be provided with help and be accommodated. This would mean treating them Differently.

2. Mentally Ill and/or Trauma Survivors must be treated in a manner that allows them to grow and heal. A friend of mine in high school had a sister with SEVERE Anxiety and other mental health issues and they were VERY lucky to live very close to the school so they allowed her to come to school and if she could no longer cope with the stress of classes, she was allowed to go home to decompress and return if she found herself able to before the end of school.

3. Children that are recently arrived in the country and don’t speak the language fluently must be treated “Differently” to accommodate their differences in schooling and to allow them to reach fluency in the language of the land as soon as possible.

Personally, I believe that every single school from Middle School and up should have a Daily AlaTeen Meeting. With Addiction and Abuse so SUPER SUPER common in our culture, it should be MANDATORY that students be open and honest about their abusive/traumatic families of origin and get help for whatever it is their parents are doing to them. Human psychology should be a MANDATORY class from day 1, letting kids know what is “normal” and what isn’t… This is VITAL because when a kid grows up in a house with a Meth Smoking Mom and a stepdad that molests them and a biological dad that abandoned the family after he almost beat the mom to death in a drunken stupor…. Kids raised in this type of abusive environment can’t comprehend that it is NOT NORMAL because they have never known anything else and they’ll not only not understand what is going on, but as a means of coping will often times internalize the abuse by saying “They are giving me what I deserve. I brought this upon myself.” and as with Stockholm Syndrome, will even DEFEND their drunken abusive parents and then say thinks like “Well, anyways, that all happened when I was like 6 and I’m SO over it… My uncle getting drunk and touching me has nothing to do with me being 13 and having oral with the football team.”

We SHOULD start to treat survivors of abuse differently… Because they ARE different… They need to be treated with far more care to prevent them from acting out, be it violently or sexually, and doing drugs as a means of coping.

Check out a book called “The Mirror Effect” and “Cracked” by Doctor Drew Pinsky… They REALY spell out exactly why our culture has devolved into the state that it’s in and why our kids are getting more and more jacked up as time goes by.

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