tobacco use

Ask the Doctor: What Has Caused My Pins and Needles?

Ask the doctor: What has caused my pins and needles?
Sciatica refers to a set of symptoms that include lower back pain and pain in the leg, even down to the foot. These are triggered when the … Regular exercise… Continue reading

Addicted to Food? the New Research Suggests It's Possible.

Addicted to Food? The New Research Suggests It's Possible.

Filed under: Cocaine Addiction

But the theory that the brain responds to high-fat, high-calorie foods similarly to how it responds to drugs is now gaining scientific muscle, led by renowned names… Continue reading

How to Combat Drug Use and Tobacco Use.?

Question by : how to combat Drug use and Tobacco use.?
What are ways to ‘battle’ tobacco use and Weed/Hash/Oil”Other weed based drug abuse”
I recently took a vow with a buddy to quit ‘smoking anything’ period. My habit was… Continue reading