Struggling With the Sin of Homosexuality?

Question by : Struggling with the sin of homosexuality?
I can no longer deny that homosexuality is sinful & wrong. I have put my own addiction to sin before God. I must now seek out the Lord to change me.

I’ve come to realize, everyone can realize another person is good looking no matter what gender that other person is. A male can realize that another male is good looking; same for a woman. I don’t know why, but at some point some people get a “gay” thought in their head about one of these “same-gendered” good looking people. A guy might think that other guy must get all of the girls with the looks he has. This guy might to start to get a thought about kissing this other guy. He has a choice to quickly dismiss this immoral thought or continue down temptation’s path, accepting the thought. Temptation may try to confuse you when it comes to admiring another guy’s looks. There’s nothing wrong with being a guy & admiring another guy’s looks. You may think that you wish you looked like the guy. Temptation will get some people confused with admiring a guy’s looks with being attracted to the guy. Temptation can look very attractive; a wolf in sheep’s clothing. The acceptance of this thought can continue a downward spiral, getting this guy deeper into the clutches of the gay lifestyle.

I was bullied a lot,I was skinny and shy. I suppose I wish I looked like one of the more popular guys, thus my mind eventually confused it with being attracted to the guys. One of my best friends had rebelled against his Christian mom(his parents divorced), he lived with his dad, getting involved heavily in drugs. A few months ago, he moved back to live with his mom. He is now a self-proclaimed, Jesus freak. He knows about my homosexuality. He told me that he was sorry but he could not associate with me any longer, since I was sinning. He was trying to remove any bad influences from his life, which with my homosexuality I was. I have not seen my ex-friend for a few months. It’s finally hit me that my sinfulness has cost me dearly.

Where do I start? How do I remove these same-sex attractions from my mind?

Best answer:

Answer by Revan Heartfilia
Admit you’re fabulous and embrace it.

Answer by Celt
Oh you want to be unhappy with your true self? Good luck with that.

10 points to trooth!! Best answer ever.

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