Smoking Rates Among Teens Have Fallen Sharply Because..?

Question by NicoleeLauren: Smoking rates among teens have fallen sharply because..?
1. Smokeless tobacco can cause
A. damage to teeth and gums
B. mouth cancer
C. damage to the digestive system
D. all of these

2. Smoking rates among teens have fallen sharply because
A. tobacco is expensive
B. legislative acts limit smoking in public places
C. tobacco companies fund ads that discourage young people from smoking
D. all of these

3. What is the leading cause of death among teenagers?
A. driving while intoxicated
B. suicide
C. homicide
D. cancer

4. Alchoholism
A. can be cured
B. has no effect on the alchoholics family and friends
C. is a disease
D. all of these

5. The process in which the body adjusts to functioning without alchohol is known as
A. admission
B. detoxification
C. withdrawal
D. sobriety

6. Extracts of blood fluids that contain antibodies are called
A. vaccines
B. antioxins
C. pathogens
D. antibiotics

7. Antibiotics
A. are effective in fighting viruses
B. kill harmful bacteria in the body
C. usually harm the patient
D. all of these

8. The recommended analgesic for children is
A. acetaminophen
B. ibuprofen
C. aspirin
D. penicillin

9. Medicines working together in a positive way creates
A. an addictive interaction
B. a synergistic effect
C. tolerance
D. an antagonistic interaction

10. A prescription medicines label usually contains the
A. name of the prescribing doctor
B. pharmacys name, address, and phone number
C. date the prescription was filled
D. all of these

11. Which of the following is not an inhalant?
A. gasoline
B. glue
C. spray paints
D. steroids

12. Crack is concentrated form of what drug?
A. marijuana
C. cocaine
D. morphine

Please help me with these? Thank youu!

Best answer:

Answer by jannsody
1) D

2) D (a guess)

3) A (a guess)

4) C

5) B (a guess since it’s either “detoxification” or “withdrawal” but leaning more towards the former)

6) (I’ll look up more info and perhaps you can too 😉

7) B

8) A

9) B

10) D

11) D

12) C

Regarding teens and driving:

Regarding the question on inhalant use, please do NOT inhale ANY types of fumes or chemical vapors as not only death may occur but also Traumatic BRAIN INJURY (TBI) as with my friend who was huffing at the age of 12, now in her 30s.

Other risks of inhalant use include sight loss/blindness, heart/liver/kidney damage, seizures, limb spasms, hearing loss and even death, all of which can happen after the very FIRST time of use. For more information about the dangers of huffing – National Inhalant Prevention Coalition:

Add your own answer in the comments!


Crack Cocaine PSA – Don’t smoke crack bitches.


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