Nature of Addictions……….?

Question by GINA: Nature of addictions……….?
What is the nature of addictions? How do they take root in a person’s life? Is it a genetic thing? Or do we learn these addictions as we grow up? Any good study aids you can suggest?

Best answer:

Answer by J.
There’s various addictions. Some things cross what is known as the “blood-brain barrier” and cause an ‘actual’ chemical addiction by altering how the brain works. Others are caused by habitual behavoir and conditioning, but are no less of an addiction (i.e. drugs vs binge eating). The former can take hold very quickly, the latter usually take a little longer, depends on the person. There is a genetic predisposition and a personality factor to the liklihood that you will become addicted (addictive personality, for example).

Google Scholar will have many papers. Any good “abnormal psychology” book will have a section on it.

Answer by LordLogic
Tends to be prevalent in damaged individuals or those who have poor self images, often used to improve their view of self or others.
Not for all cases naturally .Drugs are simply fun! , but no-one is immune from the urge for more , some resist some don’t

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