I’m a Psychological Mess Because of Medication. Can I Still Be a Late Bloomer?

Question by Adrian Y: I’m a psychological mess because of medication. Can I still be a late bloomer?
Let me first start out by saying that I went to art school around 19-20 but ending up dropping out because I had panic disorder that I wanted to take care of since it was affecting my performance. I went to the psychiatrist and he put me on tranquilizers (klonopin). It worked for a while, I got a job, still didn’t return to school. But then when I was around 21-22, the drugs took a turn on me and made me suicidal so I started “abusing” other drugs just because the prescribed drugs were making me feel this way. So after battling a hard drug addiction, I’m 23, out of a job and STILL trying to come off the original prescribed drug (the tranquilizers) because it’s a slow, painful process to come off of them. (Just search up benzo withdrawal, you’ll see why) I still have a long way to go and my psychiatrist has labeled me permanently psychiatrically disabled. I feel so old, at 23 going absolutely NOWHERE right now. I stay home, depressed all day, no motivation, no energy, but still slowly withdrawing from this awful medication. I should also mention that these prescribed drugs has lowered my intelligence so I have very little confidence right now. I joined support groups and they say they’ve taken up to 2 years to recover from this particular drug’s withdrawal. I’ll be 24 soon and I’m getting nowhere in life. I’m a psychological mess, therapy hasn’t worked, other drugs just complicate the problem, so basically it’s a waiting game to see when I’ll recover from using this drug. But after that, I’ll have to face the world again and it’ll be just like coming out of high school except I’ll be in my late 20s. I feel like I’ve wasted away my life because of these meds.

So do you think it’s possible that I’ll be able to turn everything? Is being a late bloomer in your late 20s unheard of? I know it sounds like I’m just being lazy but I’m not, I promise. Sometimes my head tells me that it’s laziness but it’s the drug right now.

p.s. I do NOT suggest taking drugs like xanax, klonopin, ativan or valium to help your anxiety disorder unless you use them once in a blue moon. Seems like a great quick fix to your problems but they will turn on you at one point or another 🙁 They just turned on me quicker than others.

Best answer:

Answer by Mack10Gunz
NO IT IS NOT TO LATE. My step dad is going to college and he is 41 WOW. My teacher told me a story the other day and he said that he has a friend who is going to college and she is 53 wtf? If these old people can do it and i know you can! I hope you get better and just remember you have PLENTY of time.

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Filed under: Addiction and Drug Abuse

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