Details Concering Cocaine Use? Needed for Novel?

Question by super-confused: Details concering Cocaine use? Needed for novel?

So, without going in to too much detail, the main character in my novel is a little…troubled. I am wishing to write a scene which involves her taking cocaine.

I am aware that confidence rockets, you feel on top of the world and so on, but I want to be as accurate as possible.

– Is it easy to tell if someone has taken Cocaine? If so, how?
– What happens when you drink alcohol whilst on Cocaine?
– Any specific behaviour?
– With weed, you often say high or stoned, are these the same words used to describe Cocaine use?
– How long does cocaine have an effect on ones body?

And if you have anything else useful, any personal experience, certain situations etc… it would be much appreciated!

Thank you, I want to be as real to life as possible!

Best answer:

Answer by Kg
Hyper activity, fast speech, and fast movement. The effects only last for about 30 minutes. You’ll be able to tell if they’re on cocaine if you are familiar with the drug, otherwise it might be more difficult. Cocaine is incredibly dangerous, but not incredibly mind altering.
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Answer by Shannon Petruchio
1) it is easy to tell if someones taken any drug that they’re not used to, if it’s her first time taking cocaine (especially if it’s bad cocaine) she’ll probably clench and move her jaw around a lot. Pupils get big, (sometimes referred to as ‘pie eyed’) and she’d have more energy than she knew what to do with. Cocaine is a high energy type drug, she’s wouldn’t slur or stumble, she’ll probably feel like she’s wonder woman and constantly be thinking that she wants more cocaine once she’s high.
2) drinking alcohol has very little effect on a person who’s doing cocaine, as she started to come down she would feel the effects of it, but while she’s high she could drink a 2/4 or a quart and not feel it, that doesn’t mean that her body’s not taking the impact, alcohol poisoning is common among people high on coke. The hangover would be bad though.
3) the word ‘stoned’ doesn’t really apply (not by my local slang anyway) but ‘high’ works. Also ‘tweeked’ or ‘tweeking’
4) the actual high can last from 4 to 8 hours but if it was poorly cut coke and she was clenching her jaw that could hurt for days, and muscles, sometimes when high the person is constantly bracing themselves, in which case they’re muscles would be sore the next day, and the nose would feel funny, dry and itchy, there would also be the -clemical’ taste at the back of the mouth.
Just some other slang ‘do a line’ means snort a line of cocain, a coacoa puff is weed laced with cocaine and a ‘key’ is when someone scoops a small amount of coke onto a key and snorts it like that. and ‘8-ball’ is 3 and 1/2 grams and it sells for 250 to 300 (in canada) and a gram is usually 80 -100.
hope this helped.