Could Anyone Send Me Some Links on “Depression and Drug Abuse/addiction”; Must Be Academic Though =)

Question by ezgisito: Could anyone send me some links on “depression and drug abuse/addiction”; must be academic though =)
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Answer by Kendra420
Try these too! GOOD LUCK!

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Drugs of Abuse and Addiction: Neurobehavioral Toxicology (Handbooks in Pharmacology and Toxicology)

Drug Abuse and Addiction – Click on the image below for more information.

Drugs of Abuse and Addiction: Neurobehavioral Toxicology (Handbooks in Pharmacology and Toxicology)

Drug Abuse and Addiction

Drugs of Abuse and Addiction: Neurobehavioral Toxicology examines drugs of abuse and addiction and how they affect behavior. This book considers the entire range of addiction research in humans and animals, using a multidisciplinary approach to discuss all areas of the neuro- and behavioral sciences involved. Emphasis is on acute and chronic effects; reversible and irreversible consequences, functional disorders of the nervous system; neurobehavioral dysfunctions; and the multi-sided aspects of

List Price: $ 169.95

Price: $ 125.65


Prescription drug abuse, deaths target of new Washington law

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Even as the system for collecting data improves, two other significant obstacles to reducing prescription drug addiction remain. The first is the sheer volume of pills in people's medicine cabinets, which have become the nation's de-facto illicit …


Cocaine-users' psychological test links rehab success with attitude to drug

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“Our system has far-reaching implications for the treatment of drug addiction,” he said. “Participants' beliefs about their substance abuse and the negative or positive consequences that follow, appear to have an impact on the success of their …


Tennessee tackles drug abuse with new approach

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According to the public safety plan, officials believe that if targeted to the right offenders, effective drug treatment courts can break the cycle of addiction and violent crime, and save the state and local communities incarceration costs.


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