Can BPD Happen in Children?

Question by : Can BPD happen in children?
I am 13 years old and I did multiple tests online, including research on BPD. From results, it applies yes.

The symptoms I do associate with BPD is

Suicidal behaviors and sthoughts
Sensitive to rejection and or criticism
Intense emotions
Lost a sense of reality
Low self-worth
Mood swings
Friendship problems

I was happened to be diagnosed with Depressive Disorder (NOS) but since the it’s “NOS” it leaves me quite skeptic. And in case your wondering, yes, I am a Hypochondriac. At least what I heard from.

I did/do, in fact, suffer from childhood trauma. I was sexually abused (not raped) and was neglected… In a way. Abused by my brother verbally. My parents are both drug addicts… I hate my lifestyle and my culture (gypsy).

Ok, I going a little off topic, can I have BPD at my age. (13)

Best answer:

Answer by Sarah
It is possible, however when it comes down to it, if you are being treated then the label is not that important. BPD is more commonly diagnosed in young adults (late teens/20s). Your best bet right now is to find a doctor who really understands the large amount of things that happen(ed) in your life, and determine whether medication is the answer or behavioral therapy, or something different. NOS doesn’t mean its non-existant or not “real”, NOS simply means you might have several symptoms of different disorders but not all the symptoms from any one disorder so you are going to be treated with each symptom instead of for one specific condition. Talk to your doctor, let them help you!

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