Besides Details to Protect Anonymity, at What Point Does a “non-fiction” Memoir Become a Fiction?

Question by im3ngs: Besides details to protect anonymity, at what point does a “non-fiction” memoir become a fiction?
What do you think about the James Frey controversy ( about his non-fiction book?

Oprah called in tonite on Larry King Live on CNN and defended Mr. Frey regarding his book about redemption from drug and alcohol abuse (a memoir). In the book, Mr. Frey embellished some portions, and as the controversial website reports, fabricated certain portions after they did independent research.

At what point does a “non-fiction” memoir become a fiction? Or a movie, such as Jack and Rose in Cameron’s Titanic move from fiction to history. The lines are beginning to blur…e.g. the DaVinci Code, which some think is true, when it really is a fiction novel.

Best answer:

Answer by wlvrne1964
It becomes fiction as soon as it veers from the factual truth.

Answer by Miss Demanda
Why are the labels so important? No non-reference, non-fiction book is going to be 100% factual.

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