Another Criminal Justice Question! Lawful?

Question by : Another criminal justice question! Lawful?
Officer A was told by an informant that the informant had suspicions that C, in the apartment next door, was selling drugs from her (C’s) apartment. During the next 3 nights, Officer A surveilled C’s apartment and saw people of all kinds going in and out. Officer A stopped one of them who, upon being stopped, threw away what she had in her hand. That turned out to be crack cocaine. After retrieving the crack cocaine, Officer A entered the apartment without a warrant and found more cocaine on the living room table. Officer A seized the drugs. Was there anything invalid about Officer A’s actions?

If you have legit info, please help me out!! It will be GREATLY appreciated! Thanks 🙂

Best answer:

Answer by Citicop

The officer violated the 4th amendment rights of C.

You must get a warrant prior to entering the residence in those circumstances.

Answer by ron
I’m no law person so this is just what I think and not a fact.

I’m not sure about that but I saw on a cops show a cop saw some kind of illegal pipe through a window and he said he didn’t need a warrant because its in plane view and he went in the house…

hope that helps a little..

Contaminated Cocaine Makes Skin Rot – Concaine cut with Levamisole caused necrosis of the skin in several users. Levamisole is a drug used by veterinarians to de-worm livestock. http://oneminuten…


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