About Mental Illness and Drug Abuse?

Question by : About mental illness and drug abuse?
I am doing a project in health about the relationship between mental illness and drug abuse. One of the questions is ” which drugs have been proven to be a risk for people with mental illness” . I couldn’t really find anything and I desperately need to finish it off soon.

Best answer:

Answer by Rioet Sursa
Well the drug thats at risk to people with mental illness is cannabis because it c’auses psycosis and s’hizophrenia

Answer by Joy
The answer is all of them!

Then maybe say cannabis in any form, ecstasy, all legal highs, barbiturates, all uppers and downers, heroin, cocaine etc. You may want to say also that people with a risk of mental illness due to genetics or high stress levels are more at risk of developing a mental illness fast and finally that the addition of alcohol to any of these substances increases the risk.

Hope you get full marks for that!

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